My word for 2014: BELAGIC! What’s yours?

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!

Hope you all had nice celebrations and are all looking forward to 2014. A whole year with endless possibilities…:-)

I had a fantastic evening. My French Frie (tired of writing bf) took me out for dinner to my favourite restaurant in Geneva. The one where we had our first dinner date when we met. ๐Ÿ™‚

We reflected on 2013 and listed all the things we were proud of having achieved and all the things we were grateful for during 2013. This was such an amazing exercise, as we realised how many wonderful things happened. Then we talked about our intentions for 2014, things we would like to improve, like existing friendships or new things we would like to manifest into our lives. For me, as you know, it’s going to be all about my book. Getting it written, finding an agent and publisher and getting it published.

This morning I came across a blog post by my dear colleague and friend Hiba from Healthwise:

Better Than New Yearโ€™s Resolutions: Find Your Word of the Year

1514669_10153591323075478_1666155155_n(click on link or pic to read Hiba’s blog post about it)

2013 for me has been all about LOVE and I would say that was my word for 2013. Finding that special someone and learning how to be in a “healthy” relationship. I used to love the drama and ups and downs in my previous relationships. I didn’t really love it, but thought it would be part of any relationship. The constant fights, the constant break ups and getting back together, the jealousy attacks etc. Now there is only one direction our relationship goes: UP. And I came to appreciate these ups without being afraid that soon there will be a massive down again. In the past year this relationship grew into something magical and I’m so grateful for that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, 2014 my word is going to be BELAGIC.

Oh, you don’t know the word? ๐Ÿ˜€ That’s because I’m being cheeky and combined 2 words into one!


Why believe? Well, I used to be a career driven person, earning big salaries and having lots of dreams. But dreams were something to just dream about. Daydreaming was my favourite hobby. When I quit all that and changed my life to completely start living my dreams, rather than just dreaming about them, it was a huge process of transformation: I was a little scared worm that got into a cocoon and one day became a beautiful butterfly, but was too scared to open up my wings and fly. I started flying in 2012 and 2013 and realised that all it takes to fly is to always believe in yourself. So now with this immense book project I have to tap into this inner believe again.

I believe in the power of the word. I believe words are energy and have the power to lift us up. Which is why I love reading and why I love writing.

I also believe in a greater power and that there is something/someone guiding me all the way. I believe there are no coincidences and for sure I believe in Synchronicity.

I believe in the power of visualisation and creating the life we want to have: the law of attraction, which is what I am using now to write my book. ๐Ÿ™‚

And why Magic? Well, how do we define magic? Most people certainly think about wizards, witches, Harry Potter, spells, white magic etc.

But according to it also means:

  • a quality of being beautiful and delightful in a way that seems remote from daily life: the magic of the theatre
  • informal exceptional skill or talent:heโ€™s been working his magic on New Zealand movies for the past two decades

So, this is my aim for 2014: I want to find more and more beautiful moments, by being focused even more on the here and now. I want to find even more beauty in the simple things in life. I already let go of so many worries and heaviness in my life. So being delightful and in the moment is magic for me.

What also has been a source of tremendous joy and magic for me, which started already in 2013, was to work with teens and kids. Whether with Reiki or meditation – I witnessed the most magical things (especially of course with Adriano,who is inspiring one of the characters in my book now). He has exceptional skills and talents (as defined above), which can only be seen as pure magic! ๐Ÿ™‚

I want to carry this magic I have been feeling into 2014 and write a truly magical book for kids.

So, here you go: BELAGIC – believing in magic and writing about it.

What’s your word of the year??? ๐Ÿ™‚

May your 2014 be blessed with love, beauty and lots of magic too!

Lots of love,


PS only 1 more day to go and I’m off to my magic Thailand!!! Yippieee!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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